Name a movie you've seen at least 7 times with a GIF

kathy bates misery GIF
I can't find a GIF for it, but the movie "Alive" about the rugby team that crashed in the Andes and resorted to cannibalism. Great movie. I heard they are making a new movie about it in 2024.
It’s not a GIF, but one of the trailers.

I can't find a GIF for it, but the movie "Alive" about the rugby team that crashed in the Andes and resorted to cannibalism. Great movie. I heard they are making a new movie about it in 2024.
It’s not a GIF, but one of the trailers.

Piers Paul Read wrote the book in the 1970s, and it was a best seller.

You would see people with the paperback reading it on airplanes. Weird.