NSFW: O.T. Inspirational Posters

Okay, stupid question here... I know about the LOLCATS site, but where do people go to make the motivational posters? I assume there's a website where you can plug in a pic along with the title and subtitle? All these people can't be Photoshoppin' their own, can they?
It looks like G1 and G2 exceed the maximum allowable 10% grade.
That thing's a more perfect sphere than Spaceship Earth in EPCOT. Jeez, ladies... can you at least get fakies that look SOMEWHAT real?!?
Of course, she's contorted on her back.

If she were to be standing, or better yet kneeling, in front of you the gravity drop would probably help significantly!:thumb:

I always tell my brothers that if her nipples smell like deodorant they're real.

:spock: To know this, you'd have to have sniffed a lot of real bewbies, either your own or other womens'. In either case.... :thumb: ROFL
:spock: To know this, you'd have to have sniffed a lot of real bewbies, either your own or other womens'. In either case.... :thumb: ROFL

I see what they do on a nightly basis. Gravity, a busty girls worst nightmare.