One Year of Beef (Please read the rules)


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2002
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In deep
Inspired by the 365 days of beer (sort of), the he who posts last wins thread (kind of), and the steak is teh awesome threads.

OK i know im all sorts of guilty for hijacking threads like a mofo around here, but i had an idea...

The other day i started wondering how much beef i eat. Then i started wondering how much beef we as a Planet eat. I started wondering how to quantify this. Then i had an idea. Start a thread, and post a pic of the beef i just ate, every time i eat some. Other people could post too. If everyone sticks to the rules, the post count will give us a nice easy reference for how many steers we as a Planet have eaten. We have a couple of hundred posters who post on a semi regular basis. I think we can kill 50 steer in a year.

The rules:

1) You can only post if you just ate, or are currently eating a steer.

2) Posting a pic of said beef would be encouraged, but not mandatory. (Google image search should give you examples of most cuts of beef). Home butchers will have to take their own pics. If you dont post a pic, at least post a description.

3) This is not a discussion thread. If you simply must comment on something, eat a steer, and post the pic along with the commentary.

3) If you eat in a place where there is no internet access, you can post the pics later on.

4) Each steer gets its own post.

5) No mixed meats. If you combine ground pork,turkey, buffalo, elk, etc into your balls,loaf, or burger , start your own damn thread. Veal, of course will count.

6) This thread will operate on the honor system.





I ate all this last night and for breakfast
What if its beef (hamburger/meatball/steak/etc) on a pizza............does that count?

Would an all beef hot dog count and if so what cut would that likely be?

How about beef salami.... what cut of meat would that be?
All beef bologna?
Beef Lyoner?

See, with beer its cut and dry
THOUSANDS of different beers but in the end they are all beer.
Beer, its whats for dinner.

You had to go and fvck with beer......................................
What if its beef (hamburger/meatball/steak/etc) on a pizza............does that count?

Would an all beef hot dog count and if so what cut would that likely be?

How about beef salami.... what cut of meat would that be?
All beef bologna?
Beef Lyoner?

See, with beer its cut and dry
THOUSANDS of different beers but in the end they are all beer.
Beer, its whats for dinner.

You had to go and fvck with beer......................................
Why don't we just have a "One Year of Bacon" thread, and then we can add up all the lard that has collected on our asses.

Who votes to ban imapig for life for that image?


Not cool, dude.

Not. Cool.