Side Walk Chalk Art

Wow! Those are amazing. I had seen a couple of those before but not all of them. If this is the same artist, I think I also saw him show how he does them with a certain perspective to make them look 3-d like that but if you look at them from another view they look flat.
Wow! Those are amazing. I had seen a couple of those before but not all of them. If this is the same artist, I think I also saw him show how he does them with a certain perspective to make them look 3-d like that but if you look at them from another view they look flat.

I looked him up. He uses an old fashion technique that make his drawings look 3D when looked at from just the right angle. I had never seen any of these until yesterday. When I first saw one it took me a second to orient the drawing.
Yeah flat was the wrong word for me to use. I mean duhh of course they are FLAT. I should have said they look elongated and out of proportion when you see them from the way he draws them and not the correct angle. What a talent that is to draw out of perspective knowing how it will look when viewed from a different angle. And in chalk...spending all that time on something that may soon be destroyed. I don't have the kind of patience to do something that takes so long that is so temporary. :D
Pshaw....if you can't jump into them and ride a merry-go-round horse around the English countryside and dance with penguins, then they ain't ish! :D
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So funny, I thought of that, too!

See, I think those are amazing. I like it!

Yet his stuff isn't in museums. Just bubble gum machines full of rats and used tampons.... :shake:

This was the last exhibit I saw at the psychiatric therapy institute for the criminally insane AKA MassMOCA:

I never plan to go there again.:shake:

Wow. They sound like a bunch of douchebaggy hatemongers to me:

Meticulously crafted animals that move on their own, healing machines that exude beneficial energy, love-filled performances, and statues that honor past and present deities - these are the works of some of The Believers, an exhibition opening at MASS MoCA on April 7, 2007. The Believers isn't about "belief" per se, but rather about the believers themselves, whose deeply-held personal truths fly in the face of skepticism, irony, and often, reason.
Wow. They sound like a bunch of douchebaggy hatemongers to me:

Genesis P Orridge is the work that I refer to most. He and his partner went through simultaneous sex change operations so they could both be "neithers" and he displayed many graphic images of said procedures as part of the gallery. Also were many bloody, twisted religious slurs, the aformentioned gumball machine, and pictures of assorted hooks and needles in skin that would make Dee Snider proud. edit: oh and dismembered and disemboweled wildlife, especially canines, too.

CarianaCarianne is a multiple personality duo/person who had such fun things (everything displayed by her/them was mirrors and twos...) as pairs of people, dissidents from Soviet Russia under Stalin maybe? marching forth in pairs to have their heads exploded by pistol weilding soldiers, only to fall into the pairs.

Art? You gotta be kidding.