Suicide Squad


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2005
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No, this isn't a thread about the Broncos fans after Sunday's game. It's about the movie coming out this summer. They just released a new trailer yesterday and I couldn't find it posted anywhere else. I thought the first trailer was okay but this one blew me away. I went from "this will be a pretty cool movie to see." to "I can't fu#*ing wait for this movie to come out!!"

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This movie will kill the "DC only makes dark, brooding movies". This looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun!

Rumors have it that the dark Knight is kinda pissed at this.

Hmmm ... two pigtails and a baseball bat ... my kinda girl ... wuv
Anyone going to see it this weekend?

Got my tix for Sunday.
There must be something wrong with me.
I can't think of anything that would make me want to see a movie filled with that kind of schizophrenic, anti-social, destructive lunacy. Not my cup of tea
There must be something wrong with me.
I can't think of anything that would make me want to see a movie filled with that kind of schizophrenic, anti-social, destructive lunacy. Not my cup of tea

I actually find it kind of depressing. I remember being young, and the old folks would utter from time to time "the world has passed me by." I thought that that was weak and lame crap and needless self-pity.

Yet here I am, looking at a world that I refuse to give up on and will continue to live in and enjoy, but where all this stuff (i.e. your schizophrenic, anti-social, destructive lunacy) targeting the 12-18 demographic (these super hero things are also probably interesting to some older guys (as evidenced by the interest here) who read these characters when they were in that demographic) completely has zero appeal. It, if not life, has passed me by, for sure. Like you Chev, you couldn't get me near this stuff.

Also, the technology literally hurts me. When I go to a beautiful modern stadium theatre with a million dollar sound system, with the amazing sound circling all around at high volume, I'm forced to turn off the hearing aid which muffles the sound to a point of not understanding. So, not many movies out these days.

But that trailer would have had me at hello, if...

Cheers, BostonTim
I actually find it kind of depressing. I remember being young, and the old folks would utter from time to time "the world has passed me by." I thought that that was weak and lame crap and needless self-pity.

Yet here I am, looking at a world that I refuse to give up on and will continue to live in and enjoy, but where all this stuff (i.e. your schizophrenic, anti-social, destructive lunacy) targeting the 12-18 demographic (these super hero things are also probably interesting to some older guys (as evidenced by the interest here) who read these characters when they were in that demographic) completely has zero appeal. It, if not life, has passed me by, for sure. Like you Chev, you couldn't get me near this stuff.

Also, the technology literally hurts me. When I go to a beautiful modern stadium theatre with a million dollar sound system, with the amazing sound circling all around at high volume, I'm forced to turn off the hearing aid which muffles the sound to a point of not understanding. So, not many movies out these days.

But that trailer would have had me at hello, if...

Cheers, BostonTim
I remember the days where you could see a real porno in a old theater with balcony seating. Deep Throat for instance had such awesome acoustics. I remember all the people young and old had such a relax look in their eyes when the movie was over.
I remember the days where you could see a real porno in a old theater with balcony seating. Deep Throat for instance had such awesome acoustics. I remember all the people young and old had such a relax look in their eyes when the movie was over.

That's one of those theaters where if you drop something on the floor you don't pick it up.
I remember the days where you could see a real porno in a old theater with balcony seating. Deep Throat for instance had such awesome acoustics. I remember all the people young and old had such a relax look in their eyes when the movie was over.

Didya wave to Pee Wee Herman in there...shake his hand? :coffee:
I'll pass. Murderous sociopaths aren't my thing.

I see the reviews are pretty bad. I wonder if that's because the movie is so awful or people just expect a DC movie to be bad now. Probably both.

If the Wonder Woman movie turns out to be good, complete with favorable reviews (the trailer looks great), it'll be the ultimate irony: for years (75 since her debut in 1941, in fact) the studio execs said a female lead couldn't carry a superhero movie, but it would be a WW movie that saves DC's movie bacon if it's a critical hit.

Anyway, I guess it'll be a wait-and-see, as so far DC has gone 0-3 (<i>Man Of Steel, BvS,</i> and <i>Suicide Squad</i>) in the review department. They still make millions, so the studio is ultimately happy.
Early reviews not looking good.

I feel like so many reviews are just too jaded these days. My wife and I watched Batman v Superman Wednesday night and neither of us thought it was half as bad as the reviews that torched it. I hate Superman as a character. I have since I was a kid. He's a complete douche and his undercover persona is the dumbest thing ever. Glasses! Who could he be?! That being said, we were both still entertained by the movie. Was it great? No, but it was fun enough.

I'm going into Suicide Squad with optimism in spite of the reviews. I think it's going to be fun and I'm not going to let a bunch of stuck up critics ruin it.
Wonder Woman was fantastic in B v S, and I am looking forward to that movie as well, but I also did not mind BvS as much as many people did. I thought there was one huge flaw in it, but found the rest entertaining. I still need to watch the director's cut.