Teh official Taltos "circle rep thread" #2

Friday is for freestyling



View: https://twitter.com/dariusaniunas/status/1517442863365304320
Freestyle Friday in Decorah :wuv:

From Raptor Resource Project:

April 21, 2022: DN15 and DN16 turn 25 and 24 days old today! During week three (fourteen to twenty-one days), the eaglets shed much of their natal down, gained a lot of weight (reaching as much as five pounds by around 21 days), began sprouting pinfeathers, and hit the maximum growth period for footpads and legs.

Look for two important week four milestones in the video below. DN15 gets up to wingercize and very briefly - we're talking a half-second or less - stands on its feet! Its new clown clompers provide the perfect platform to get up, move around, and really put some work into flapping its wings. After settling down, DN15 takes a nice long look at the world outside the nest, cuing in on the sights and sounds that surround it. The eaglets' tiny little world is rapidly expanding.

View: https://fb.watch/cytqoV9lLT/
Morning all-

Back to reality.

On our trip home we went through the Berkshire's and somewhere between Lee and Ottis we spotted a bald eagle surveying a stream. They are definitely making a comeback.
