Teh official Taltos "circle rep thread" #2

Good morning, everyone! :)


Wingsday in Decorah :wuv:

From Raptor Resource Project:

April 11, 2023: Beak-A-Boo! I loved this capture of HD and DH2 together.


April 11, 2023: DH2 gets a little feisty with Dad! DH2 has had four good feedings today, but that
doesn't mean it isn't hungry! HD comes into the nest, but instead of feeding, he begins excavating -
digging deeply into the nest with his beak and loosening the substrate beneath the egg cup. DH2
disapproves of HD's priority and lets him know with a few lunges

April 11, 2023: HM launches, DH2 does cute tiny PS - When HM decides to leave, she gets up and goes!
DH2 is briefly left alone in the nest on a warm and windy day! HD comes in and stands guard while DH2
sits up, little tail pumping. What's going on? At 55 seconds, DH2 shoots poop - an excellent sign that
it's being fed!

Tuesday I could barely walk a 1/8 of a mile without saying I shouldn’t do more due to my knee hurting. Even without medicine, it has been getting better (have been icing it). Tonight I walked about 1/16 of a mile. Progress is progress but sucks as I am use to walking 2-3 miles.