Teh official Taltos "circle rep thread" #2

Good morning, Circle friends :)

Wingsday in Decorah :wuv:

From Raptor Resource Project:

We are so egg-cited! Our eagles are beginning to switch their focus from bringing in sticks to piling up soft, fluffy materials, working on egg cups and cup footings and, in DNF’s case, calling for room service as she builds the resources she needs – especially water! – to lay eggs.

Power Couple: Mr. North, left and DNF, right.


Mr. North is ready for eggs! The North and Fort St. Vrain nests are a marvel of nestitecting: a cradle of sticks filled with soft substrate created by decomposing materials and fluffy grasses and shredded husks brought in by the eagles.


Pre-dawn nestorations at the North Nest on February 12. The early eagle catches the stick!

