The Eagles - Super Bowl LII, Minneapolis

They're choking right now. Should have 21 points on the board. Can't expect everything to be this easy for the rest of the game, classic playoff Pats. Repeatedly squandering opportunities.
McD is fucking terrible right now. We have left a million points on the field so far. Should be up by 1 at the absolute least. Letting Eagles off he hook and setting up to be down multiple scores in another big game.

I don’t understand why Pats are trying to be so cute when regular plays are working just fine. And guys aren’t executing well on this creative shit.

Worried because this team isn’t playing its own game right now. Eagles getting momentum from Pats shooting selves in feet

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Full arm extension. They'd cal it every time on 87
He's a runner so there is no helmet to helmet. It's a nasty shot because he didn't see it coming and couldn't brace himself at all. Maybe he comes back, sometimes those clean shots are the easier to recover from

Dude was knocked out. No way he comes back...if he does the system has failed.
3rd down D can’t do it twice in a row. We need to keep them from scoring with O being useless

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk you think the Eagles are going let their gas off the foot to allow for a comeback?
Receiving holding onto everything right now. Fuck O being shit is about to cost us. D needs to be stellar

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12 is a whole lot better than 14.

Can we settle down and stat playing some regular Patriots football?
This 12 point defecit is solely at the feet of McDaniels right now. Terrible play calling has cost us 14 points.
I am so FUCKING tired of this same motherfucking shit every goddamn fucking Super Bowl. These games are not entertaining, the first half play calling is insanely stupid. I'm just sick to death of it.