The Film Music Thread


The years teach much which the days never know.
Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
This is a thread where you can post your favorite clips and thoughts about film music.

It can be music from the giants of the genre, like John Williams and Ennio Morricone. Or it can be songs from popular music (e.g. Everybody's Talkin' by Harry Nilsson, from the movie Midnight Cowboy - songwriter Fred Neil).

I'll get us started with a piece you've probably heard, but perhaps you don't know its title.

Film: Dangerous Moonlight
Title: Warsaw Concerto
Composer: Richard Addinsell

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Lots of great submissions so far. I had forgotten about Raindrops - that song perfectly suited that movie.
Film: Schindler's List
Title: Theme From Schindler's List
Composer: John Williams

Not a lot of dry eyes in the house by the end of this piece.
One of my loves who provided an exceptional journey into the world of the human intellect through his passionate although misguided pursuit of truth Jim Morrison. Dionysus in the flesh.

He was a filmschool classmate in
LA in the 60s with one of the greatest directors of all time Francis Ford Coppola.

Jim's influence clearly was carried in Coppolas soul to this day.

On of my favorite movies by Francis of course, is Apocalypse Now about a mission to learn about and ultimately kill the brilliant US created military mind who went insane in Vietnam, Colonel Kurtz played by Marlon Brando. Was Kurtz in fact insane? Worthy of death, yes, but insane? Hmm. Leaves a great deal to ponder.

Martin Sheen lead a cast of future greats such as Lawrence Fishburn and Harrison Ford and the incredible Dennis Hopper.

The opening scene and the ultimate ending of Kurtz set to the Doors epic and one of my all time favorites The End in my mind Is one of the time greats.

"Tne horror... The horror..."

Freaking chills ever time.


Wow!!! 🔥🔥🔥


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On the Jim Morrison theme this scene from the very typically troubled troubled Oliver Stone in his movie The Doors which always hit me with its dark majesty.

The blood ritual with Jim's spiritual wife. The Wiccan reporter Patricia Kneally.

With a new and very intellectually and emotionally deep and beautiful Wiccan friend in my life this carries even more meaning than when I was young.

Who knew cocaine, blood and beautiful witches were a cure for a limp junk? 🤣🔥☄☄☄☄

I'm not mystical in the least but please sign me up for a a dark and sexy ass scene like this.💖🔥

It begins with Jim's song End of the Night. A tribute to my favorite poem, Augeries of Innocence by the immortal William Blake and the climax is filled to the max with the dark and powerful Carrmina Burama.

Bliss? I think so. ;)

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The entiere soundtrack to the David Fincher directed film the Social Network about the creation of from the tragic bowels of Harvard University of Facebook at the mind and action of Mark Zuckerberg was brilliantly created by my spirit animal in human form Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails in collaboration with Atticus Ross.

Goddamm i love the name Atticus. Reminds me of the amazing soul of Harper Lee's brilliant protagonist in her novel To Kill a Mockingbird.

Atticus Finch of her novel in a lot ways symbolizes the greatness of the man of gentleman stature who was my grandfather.

He held integrity to truth against all odds as a Mississippi attorney for the brutally beaten down black southern population.

But I digress

David Fincher is, to this man an all time great director.

Paired with Trent and Atticus's atmospheric music beautifully delivered the the heroic story of man's individual mind and its power against a society bent on the destruction of the individual for the sake of the Tribal Collective.

No matter how far he has intellectually fallen Mark Zuckerberg once embodied the greatness all men hold within them.

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