The Official "I Think (fill in the blank) is pretty stupid." Thread

dropKickMurphy said:
"I think ------------ is pretty stupid."

1) People who can't take a joke.

2) People who show up at your house at 1 AM with a Louisville Slugger. Who then proceed to bang on your door and shout "Come out here, you son of a bitch! I know you're in there, DropKick, don't make me kick this f&^%ing door down!"

3) Spouses who ignore your instructions to "tell him I'm not here".

4) Teenage sons who gladly take your $$$ to pay for boxing, wrestling, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai classes; then refuse to protect you. "Fight your own battles Dad. Besides, that guy's cool....he bought a round of drinks for those soldiers at the Outlaw". Ungrateful #&^$#.

5) Baseball bats.

6) ER nurses who, upon hearing how your injuries were sustained, say things like "Serves you right!"

7) Having an itch on your ass when you're in traction.

8) Having to wait another hour for my next dose of morphine.

instant classic :thumb:
pookie said:
I think multimillionaire athletes that throw folding chairs into a crowd are pretty stupid.
Or ones that go into a crowd and attack the just anyone because someone (else) threw a plastic cup on his chest.

I still can't believe this dolt (Artest) wasn't banned for life from the NBA.*

*Even if he attacked the right person he should have been banned for life
I think Yankee fans are pretty goddamn stupid. Amazing, they think their pitching staff consists of abuncha CY young guys now. Amazing how they forgot their pitching to the likes of Seattle and Oakland. By the way, their ace just gave up 4 runs to the friggin A's.
I think that the fact that the Pats pro shop has a friggin Flutie jersey available, a friggin backup, possibly 3rd string QB, yet not a Terrell jersey is pretty f'n stupid!!!!

WTF is up with that????

I mean, I'm a Flutie fan, and am glad he's on the Pats but to sell a backup QBs jersey and not a jersey of a guy who is probably going to start the season as the #3 WR is just idiotic. :shake:
mgoblue101415 said:
I think that the fact that the Pats pro shop has a friggin Flutie jersey available, a friggin backup, possibly 3rd string QB, yet not a Terrell jersey is pretty f'n stupid!!!!

WTF is up with that????

It might have something to do with Flutie being a local legend and everything. Built in marketplace you know.

Annihilus doesn't even know how to spell 'Terrell' without looking at your post. (Thanks for the help :thumb: ) - there's something to be said for name recognition when marketing NFL merchandise.
mgoblue101415 said:
I think that the fact that the Pats pro shop has a friggin Flutie jersey available, a friggin backup, possibly 3rd string QB, yet not a Terrell jersey is pretty f'n stupid!!!!

WTF is up with that????

I mean, I'm a Flutie fan, and am glad he's on the Pats but to sell a backup QBs jersey and not a jersey of a guy who is probably going to start the season as the #3 WR is just idiotic. :shake:

Relax, know this is strictly a business decision.

There's no guarantee that either Terrell or Flutie will have a big impact. But there is a guarantee that Flutie's Patriots jersey will be a big seller.

I don't think that many people are ready to drop big bucks on a Terrell jersey until they see what he does for the Pats. If he gets off to a good start, I'm sure you'll see his jersies before long.
It's probably redundant, but I think Terrell Owens has got to be one of the most stupid fools on the face of this earth. He pisses and moans while he's in San Fran, they trade him to Baltimore, then he pisses and moans because he doesn't want to go to Baltimore so he weasels his way out of that deal.

Then he gets to Philly, where he wants to be so bad, then defies all the odds to get back in shape for the Super Bowl. And he's STILL not happy. First he wants more money ("I've got to feed my family"?! What the F*** kind of f***in' bull**** is that??!), then he's got the nerve to go after Donovan McNabb, who IS the Philadelphia Eagles right now.

This guy brings new meaning to the term "locker room cancer".

Other stupid people:

1) People who stopped being Patriots fans after they traded Bledsoe.

2) Hollywood producers who are afraid to actually try to have an original idea - we saw House of Wax this weekend, and all it was was a rip-off of Texas Chainsaw Massacre , which was actually a rip-off of the original film.

3) People who can't even drive the f***in' speed limit.

4) People who tailgate you on a four-lane highway even when the lane next to you is wide open.

5) People who think you're a snob because you drink craft beer.

6) People who thought that James Bond wouldn't be a good movie hero anymore because the Soviet Union collapsed (he didn't fight the Russians in ANY of the movies - go back and check if you don't believe me; the Russians he did fight were renegades not operating on behalf of the KGB, with the possible of exception of For Your Eyes Only , but that's another topic. Only in the NOVELS did he battle Soviet spies.)

7) Trolls who bring up the "tuck rule" everytime you try to say something good about the Patriots.

8) The b**tards who wouldn't hire me for the last job I interviewed for just because I haven't used PowerPoint since college. Kee-rist.
dropKickMurphy said:
"I think ------------ is pretty stupid."

1) People who can't take a joke.

2) People who show up at your house at 1 AM with a Louisville Slugger. Who then proceed to bang on your door and shout "Come out here, you son of a bitch! I know you're in there, DropKick, don't make me kick this f&^%ing door down!"

3) Spouses who ignore your instructions to "tell him I'm not here".

4) Teenage sons who gladly take your $$$ to pay for boxing, wrestling, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai classes; then refuse to protect you. "Fight your own battles Dad. Besides, that guy's cool....he bought a round of drinks for those soldiers at the Outlaw". Ungrateful #&^$#.

5) Baseball bats.

6) ER nurses who, upon hearing how your injuries were sustained, say things like "Serves you right!"

7) Having an itch on your ass when you're in traction.

8) Having to wait another hour for my next dose of morphine.

DKM--Your sense of humor is priceless!!! :D
Truly!! Now--did I MISS something that happened between you and the big dchester?? :confused:
Anyways--thanks for the crack up! I really needed it! :D

For the record--my pet peeve is people that are not grateful for the things in their life... That really fries my @ss... :mad:
I can't stand when men call me sweetheart :cuss:, other than my husband or men I know.

But some guy I've never met... "Thanks sweetheart." "That will be fine sweetheart." "There you go sweetheart." :4321:

Makes me just want to :bang:
mgoblue101415 said:
I can't stand when men call me sweetheart :cuss:, other than my husband or men I know.

But some guy I've never met... "Thanks sweetheart." "That will be fine sweetheart." "There you go sweetheart." :4321:

Makes me just want to :bang:

Would you prefer ma'am?

Annihilus hates it when people call him 'Sir'. Assmunch will suffice.
Annihilus said:
Would you prefer ma'am?

Annihilus hates it when people call him 'Sir'. Assmunch will suffice.

I don't understand what to call women that I do not know. For instance, me and the Mrs went to Pub 99 one night for dinner. The Hostess who was probably 45-55ish says your table is ready. I say thank you Ma'am and she gives me the dirtiest look and says; "I am not a Ma'am, Miss will do just fine. Now I was taught to address older women as ma'am.. Am I wrong here Assmunch or MGO(sweatheart)??? :D
Annihilus said:
Would you prefer ma'am?

Annihilus hates it when people call him 'Sir'. Assmunch will suffice.

ma'am, miss, bitch... any of those are fine.

Sweetheart is like saying "little lady" or something just as archaic. Some men should introduce themselves to the 21st century.
Annihilus said:
Would you prefer ma'am?

Annihilus hates it when people call him 'Sir'. Assmunch will suffice.

I use sir and ma'am because when I was younger I thought it bugged people, but I was being polite so they couldn't say anything to me. Now it is a just another bad habit from those days.
mgoblue101415 said:
ma'am, miss, bitch... any of those are fine.

Sweetheart is like saying "little lady" or something just as archaic. Some men should introduce themselves to the 21st century.

How about 'Sweety'?

Annihilus kind of liked it when he used to live in Kentucky and the women older than him would call him sweety. This generally happened in restaurants, but also other places. They were probably only looking for nice tips.
patsfan31 said:
I don't understand what to call women that I do not know. For instance, me and the Mrs went to Pub 99 one night for dinner. The Hostess who was probably 45-55ish says your table is ready. I say thank you Ma'am and she gives me the dirtiest look and says; "I am not a Ma'am, Miss will do just fine. Now I was taught to address older women as ma'am.. Am I wrong here Assmunch or MGO(sweatheart)??? :D

Women who don't like being called ma'am are having a problem facing their age.

You are correct that "older" women should be addressed as ma'am. Course by using ma'am you're pointing out that the woman is "older".

Age is just a friggin number. People need to get over it.

Keep using ma'am pf31... If a woman doesn't mind, you're being proper. If she does mind, it's still proper, but you get to piss a woman off that you don't live with so you don't have to deal with the aftermath. :thumb:
The use of ma'am depends on which part of the country you're in. My daughter has discovered that in Virginia, any adult female who's name you don't know is called ma'am. Any female that you know well is commonly referred to as Miss first name. Any female you only know by name is called Miss/Mrs last name.

Any other references are considered insulting such as "hey you". A phrase such as "How can I help you" is improper while "How can I help you, ma'am" is proper.

It's all very confusing :confused:
mgoblue101415 said:
Women who don't like being called ma'am are having a problem facing their age.

You are correct that "older" women should be addressed as ma'am. Course by using ma'am you're pointing out that the woman is "older".

Age is just a friggin number. People need to get over it.

Keep using ma'am pf31... If a woman doesn't mind, you're being proper. If she does mind, it's still proper, but you get to piss a woman off that you don't live with so you don't have to deal with the aftermath. :thumb:

Thanx for the advice!!! Although it is still very confusing to me. Now I don't use anything. I just simply say " Thank you very Much!!!!! Can't piss off anyone that way
mgoblue101415 said:
I can't stand when men call me sweetheart :cuss:, other than my husband or men I know.

But some guy I've never met... "Thanks sweetheart." "That will be fine sweetheart." "There you go sweetheart." :4321:

Makes me just want to :bang:

I used to be a customer service rep for a company that sells stuff all over the U.S. And I noticed that guys from the south who called had a habit of calling me "buddy." I hated that.

When I got my new job, my last day I was there a guy said "Okay thanks buddy" as he was hanging up and I said, "I'm not your buddy" and hung up. :p