The Official Super Bowl LI Game Thread - Patriots v Falcons

that would have been sweet redemption for Ghost. Don't know how BB feels about him right now. Maybe a little soft on him after the win. At least until after the duck boats.
Edelman's crackback that sealed the end on that play was a big help too. But Cannon deserves a ton of credit. Although to be honest, White pretty much did the final yard and a half all by himself.

Also (and I like to think Joshy just has an awesome sense of humor), this was the exact same play Atlanta gashed the Patriots with in the first half, a simple crack(back) toss(sweep).

Sorry, I meant the TD that they tied the game with, not the one in overtime. Cannon sent his man flying backwards and White just had to follow him in.
I have never heard of this. Can you please explain? How is it we get a free kick after a fair catch on a punt? Doesn't the offense have to come out? You can't bring out the kick-off unit, can you?

It's a rule in Pro football and HS football that once you make a fair catch, you can elect to take a free kick. Which has to be either a place kick or a drop kick. It has it's origins in rugby.

But you of course can put your kicking team anytime you want on the field when you have possession. You can send them in on first down if you wanted. But they would be kicking (or punting) in the normal way with defenders on the LOS.

Only a fair catch can trigger a free kick. If it goes over, it's 3 points.

I would say Bill is itching to use this before he retires, seeing what a fan of ST he is.

The last successful one was by the Chargers in 1976! Longest one was 56 yards by the Packers in the 50s.
Really? Wow. I missed that somehow. Talk about obscure and archaic. Love it.

A highlight of the post game has to be Willie Mac and the "Kiss this mother f**ker, tongue and all" ROFL
that would have been sweet redemption for Ghost. Don't know how BB feels about him right now. Maybe a little soft on him after the win. At least until after the duck boats.

An upgrade would be sweet...

need to bring a kicker in to camp next year and give him a push.

A highlight of the post game has to be Willie Mac and the "Kiss this mother f**ker, tongue and all" ROFL

O.Z.O. Jr. and I were DYING during this. Bet the league and the networks think twice about going with a live mic for that again.
I admit, it was nice seeing strahan hand a trophy to the pats for once. :D
but when they showed it was willie doing the first leg with the trophy, i could hardly see him. :crying:
need to bring a kicker in to camp next year and give him a push.

O.Z.O. Jr. and I were DYING during this. Bet the league and the networks think twice about going with a live mic for that again.

You could also hear one of the players out of sight saying, "Yeah, I'm gonna kiss dat bitch" ROFL
You could also hear one of the players out of sight saying, "Yeah, I'm gonna kiss dat bitch" ROFL

It was motherfukker this and motherfukker that the whole walk.
This was left in the Patriots locker room:


This is tremendous
It was motherfukker this and motherfukker that the whole walk.

And of course the moaners out there in the media and other fan bases are rattling on about how classless it was.....yawn.

WIllie Mac, 3 time SB winner and Patriot HOFer was carrying another SB to another generation of Patriot greats, so f**k that, he can curse all he damn well pleases!!
The Edelman mask is back!! ROFL

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I love the way Slater was in that game. Great shot when the fumble was recovered by Branch he was on the field thumping his chest, geeing up the guys. And then the way he called that coin a Boss and then he strutted off knowing they were going to win.

One reporter said it well.

"When the Patriots won the coin toss in overtime, there was no doubt.

There was blood in the water."

So many giant figures in that Patriot lockerroom.
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I found that funny. He had a grin on his face. I wonder if one of the guys on the podium is a hater? I know Randy Moss isnt
I found that funny. He had a grin on his face. I wonder if one of the guys on the podium is a hater? I know Randy Moss isnt

I LOVED the look on Jonathan Kraft's face when he was shaking Goddell's hand. Total "yeah, yeah, fukk you" facial expression.
Anyone else sick and tired of hearing how Atlanta folded in the 2nd half? Nobody is taking into account that the Pats played like shit in the first half, dropped passes, turnovers, accuracy issues (Brady), over pursuit by the defense.

Nobody wants to talk about how the Pats defense held them to 21 points and how they shut them down in the 2nd half. If the Pats don't turn the ball over and finish a couple of those drives in the first half this game isn't even close, but it is what it is and the best team won in the end.

I hope this team can stay together for another run for a 7th ring.