My ongoing battle with a vegetable thief


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
Beverly, MA
I have a moderate sized garden with a lot of different plants. I noticed a about a month ago that something was taking bites out of my tomatoes.

So, I went out and I got one of those Haveahart traps for ground squirrels and other such small rodents thinking that it was the ground squirrels since I have a few holes in my flower beds.

First night I set it with some peanutbutter crackers. I get up in the morning and the trap has sprung. Something got the bait though. I looked and I think I didn't have the door lock set because it got out.

Second night I set it. I make sure the locks are all set, bait it with peanut butter crackers and go to bed. I get up the next morning and the trap is sprung. This time I get a skunk. I say good, that will teach him to eat my tomatoes. I relocate the skunk about 15 miles away (sorry Topsfield).

Third night I set it again to see if there is a companion skunk. I set it up just like the the night before and go to bed. I wake up and the trap was not sprung but the bait was gone. Now I'm figuring that I might have something small like mice around and they were too light to spring it.

Fourth night I set the trap up the same way but bait it with some nice stinky provolone cheese (the good stuff). I also bait 4 mouse traps figuring that if they're too small to trigger the trap, the mouse traps will take care of them and go to bed. I wake up the next morning and the trap has sprung. I see the mouse traps first and they have all sprung. The problem is that the bait is gone but no rodents (Fvck). I check the trap and the trap has been moved and there is torn up dirt around it. Something got the bait and beat up the trap. In fact, the lock on the door is off even though I know for sure I set it the night before. My only thought is that something big sprung it from the outside and beat up the trap to get to the bait. If you turn the trap over on its top, you can unlock it without any effort and then you can open the spring loaded door. It isn't easy but it can be done. This is what I figure happend.

So now I'm pissed. I just went out and got a large trap for catching larger animals like raccoons and stray cats. I like this trap better because even if you turn it over, you can't really unlock it. You need two hands.

Fifth night. I just set the large trap and baited it with some more stinky provolone cheese since it worked so well last time. I did not set the smaller trap or the mouse traps. It got too late.

I'll let you know what happens in the morning.
Well, I just got up and no success. The animal triggered the trap by scratching the outside and he must have hit the rod that goes from the food plate to the door. It then dug a large hole under the trap to try and get to the luck on its part either.

This is the first time using the trap and I think I know what I'm going to to tonight. I'm going to make sure the side of the trap with the rod is next to something that makes that side inaccessable. I'm also going to see if I can make the other side inaccessable by putting something on the other side. I want to make sure that the door is the only attractive option.

I'll give it another shot tonight.
I just realized that I spelled "thief" wong in the title. I was tired last night... the bad thing is that because it's in the title, I can't change it ROFL
you need one of these

In the infamous words of Carl Spackler: "License to kill gophers by the government of the United Nations. Man, free to kill gophers at will. To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint. And a varmint will never quit - ever. They're like the Viet Cong - Varmint Cong. So you have to fall back on superior intelligence and superior firepower. And that's all she wrote."

Caddyshack, people.
If you have a dog or cat, brush them and keep the accumulated hair to place around the garden. Critters will stay away. :thumb:
If you have a dog or cat, brush them and keep the accumulated hair to place around the garden. Critters will stay away. :thumb:

Much better idea is to get fox urine. That should repel rats, mice, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, skunks, groundhogs, possums, and woodchucks.

You can buy it at a lot of places. Heck, Amazon has it.
Much better idea is to get fox urine. That should repel rats, mice, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, skunks, groundhogs, possums, and woodchucks.

You can buy it at a lot of places. Heck, Amazon has it.
If you have any privacy, you can piss around the border of your garden and it works better than predator urine but can transmit diseases that can affect humans. Just another option but somewhat risky.:thumb:
The thief is going to get a free night tonight. I had people over and they just left so it's too dark to unlease my master plan. :)

Tomorrow night it's "Game On" though. ;)
I just realized that I spelled "thief" wong in the title. I was tired last night... the bad thing is that because it's in the title, I can't change it ROFL

I got your back. All set.