This Is The Thread to Post In When You're Hammered

Oh man I just got home 10:40pm Friday night completely trashed and just toked up. Going to smoke some more and then play Elder Scrolls: Oblivion on my XBOX until 3am and drink more beer.

Watching the Pistons Celtics game ....I know you guys will hate him but I LOVE Hamilton Lector ..favorite shooting guard in the NBA - just love his efficient, consistent game ..and what other player is known for his Lector facemask. And why does Tayshaun Prince constantly look like a deer caught in headlights? He always looks so lost out there

Oh and a final note ...I really really really f*cking hate that Taco Bell drive through ad for the 89 cent meal with the two white guys beatboxing over the drive through. ARGH I want to inflict self-mutilation everytime I hear it

Man I want Ninja Gaiden 2 ..and what is it that's so mesmerizing or catchy or memorable about the UPS whiteboard ads? Is it the white background void space they're standing in?