Video Games Thread

I was actually excited for Black Ops III after the disaster that was Modern Warfare. Then they released the trailer. Would it be too much to ask for some good old Modern Warfare? I'm not digging this flying through the air and climbing walls crap.

Do you mean Advanced Warfare? Because Christ on a cracker that game was bad. I mean awful. They add all these means of navigating through a map like exo jumps, exo dives, etc, yet their maps are entirely too damn small. It takes way too little time to die (if you get shot once you can pretty much bank on not being able to escape with your life). The respawns are awful, it feels like you can't really survive more than 10 seconds after spawning. That may go hand-in-hand with the map size issue though. I think I saw a few videos where people would describe that the main issue with COD's multiplayer is input lag, and after reading up on it, that is EXACTLY what has plagued this franchise for the last few games. Your screen shows you taking two or three hits before dying, but you look at the kill cam and you see yourself taking 8-10 bullets. Then you turn around and shoot someone 5-10 times to kill them but it still feels unbalanced, as though you're way easier to kill than others. If COD could somehow fix the input lag (not sure how easy that is) or make better, bigger maps (should be way easier) that fit the exo usage, they'd be a lot better off.

In the meantime though, I'll stick with Destiny as my primary FPS. I may give Ghosts a try. I did like one of the ghost games. I can't remember which one, but it had the Olympia shotgun which I wrecked with online until they nerfed it. Modern Warfare was a blast, especially the first one. Never felt like I had an unfair death, everything felt pretty even.
It also leaves no room for tactical shooting. I get that COD is supposed to be a run and gun type game. But I've had so many instances where I'm in a "one on one" type battle shooting at someone across the map. Then I try to run across real quick to enter his building and proceed to get shot in the back or from the flank just two seconds into my run. 5 deaths later and I finally get to the building, where the guy has already left lol. Again with better map designs, you don't run into that kind of problem as often.
Yep, I meant Advanced Warfare. My two boys both love it but I won't even pick up the controller and try it.
My son and I play Titan fall from time to time. It's pretty mindless but we have fun. It more scream and laugh at the tv kind of fun.
Gaming monster here. Master of Pong, Tetris, The Pacman franchise, Super Mario franchise. Sims Franchise, Myst and the greatest game ever, Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time. Eat my dust. :coffee:

Cheers, BostonTim

What - no Sonic?
It also leaves no room for tactical shooting. I get that COD is supposed to be a run and gun type game. But I've had so many instances where I'm in a "one on one" type battle shooting at someone across the map. Then I try to run across real quick to enter his building and proceed to get shot in the back or from the flank just two seconds into my run. 5 deaths later and I finally get to the building, where the guy has already left lol. Again with better map designs, you don't run into that kind of problem as often.

COD has been a disaster since Modern Warfare, and even then it was declining from the superb level it achieved with original COD/United Offensive.

I played Black Ops II for the hell of it last year and nearly puked. If you want skill over spray and pray, play CSGO.
I'm a little behind here but has anyone played Shadow of Mordor? I've heard great things. I'm tempted to pick it up but my playing time is so limited I don't know if I would have time to play it and The Elder Scrolls Online at the same time.
I own it but got busy and haven't put much time into it yet. Pretty fun so far though.
I'm a little behind here but has anyone played Shadow of Mordor? I've heard great things. I'm tempted to pick it up but my playing time is so limited I don't know if I would have time to play it and The Elder Scrolls Online at the same time.

I've played Shadow of Mordor. It's okay. Shallow and repetitive but still fun for a hack and slash. I never finished it....
Okay, I'm looking for some opinions here. My son's Birthday is coming up and lately he has been all into this MLG (Major League Gaming) stuff. So he tells us for his Birthday that he wants the same brand of monitor that they use in MLG. My first reaction was to tell him hell no because I figured it was some $1,000 monitor. Then I start looking at them. I was shocked to find that they only use a 24" monitor in these tournaments and they can be had for well under $300. Anyway, I was looking at getting him this one I for the life of me can't figure out why he would want to go from playing on a 50" Vizio to one of these. Can anyone explain this to me?
He plays on a console right? If so idk why he'd rather play on a monitor than the TV (if they're the same resolution and refresh rate). I will say though, I find it a lot easier to play FPS games on my old 32 inch plasma than I do on my 65 inch TV. Kinda puts the game in a more easy-to-see-everything frame, and might help a lot with input lag, which I also had to adjust to going to a bigger TV
BTW I love Shadow of Mordor. It's simple but it keeps me interested. It's replaced Destiny as my main game for now until I beat it
Depending on the TV, the monitor will have much better response time for less input lag. Especially true if he's currently playing on a plasma TV.

Edit: If he's just playing games for fun with friends or whatever then size is usually a big deal. But if he's at all serious about gaming and looking for a competitive edge, size is really a secondary consideration to input lag and the quality of the picture.
Depending on the TV, the monitor will have much better response time for less input lag. Especially true if he's currently playing on a plasma TV.

Edit: If he's just playing games for fun with friends or whatever then size is usually a big deal. But if he's at all serious about gaming and looking for a competitive edge, size is really a secondary consideration to input lag and the quality of the picture.

He's playing on a new(ish) Vizio right now. LCD I think. He does play mainly with friends but they play together online and it's in some super competitive leagues. He's pretty insistent that this is what he wants so we'll probably get one for him. My biggest problem now is it's technically my PS4. His younger brother bought his own after he sold his Wii U and used his Birthday money. So that means my PS4 will go into his bedroom and I'll probably never see it again. I barely use it but I still would like to play it especially on the weekends but I think my wife would put her foot down at having three PS4s in the household.
BTW I love Shadow of Mordor. It's simple but it keeps me interested. It's replaced Destiny as my main game for now until I beat it

Like someone else mentioned. I liked Shadow of Mordor initially but it got real repetitive real fast. I bought Elder Scrolls Online and have been enjoying it. I just hope that they have dragons in it at some point. That was one of the things that I really liked about Skyrim.
He's playing on a new(ish) Vizio right now. LCD I think. He does play mainly with friends but they play together online and it's in some super competitive leagues. He's pretty insistent that this is what he wants so we'll probably get one for him. My biggest problem now is it's technically my PS4. His younger brother bought his own after he sold his Wii U and used his Birthday money. So that means my PS4 will go into his bedroom and I'll probably never see it again. I barely use it but I still would like to play it especially on the weekends but I think my wife would put her foot down at having three PS4s in the household.

The thing is many TVs are not designed to address input lag, so even a brand new top end model may be lacking. Input lag is generally not an issue for movies and TV, which is why slower response rate is acceptable. Older LCDs had truly awful times, but even newer models from quality brands may only get down as low as 4ms. You'll notice that monitor is 1ms, which basically means zero input lag (or motion blur or whatever term you want to use).