Welker throws Asante under the bus...

Not really for assclowning but rather AGAINST assclowns :D

Just like the fact that this isn't like the ESPN boards is all.

Cool. I can see where you're coming from then.
Berry can't type anymore.

He took Boston Tim's advice and is sitting on his arm, getting ready to try out this whole "stranger" concept.

Oh, and Mom's upstairs gettin' him some Mac-n-Cheese.
Thing i don't get is would any of you do your job for 6 bucks an hour because you work at the best company in the nation. I know i certainly would not no way no how so how could you expect someone to take less to be on a certain team and yes i know they make millions but...... They also spend more and this money has to last them the rest of there days on the earth. So i don't trip out when a player "gets paid" because after what 10 years of pro football your body is pretty much shot. So all in all you cannot really blame them now the ones who did accept less i'd say later down the road they regret doing it.

Not defending or criticizing any player, but when people state that these professional football players have to make all the money they can now because their career is only x number years long, irritates me. I did not realize that as soon as their careers are done, they go off to the retirement home, never able to hold another job again. IIRC, most of these players went to college for some duration, even if they did not graduate. Their earning potential may not be what it was before, but with the millions they make every year, investing wisely would make it so they would not have to work. If they make poor decisions with their wealth, don't they deserve to be punished (i.e. having to get a real job making the $7.25 at Rosie Colvin's UPS store?)

Agreed, their bodies take an insane amount of abuse playing the game, but they also have the best medical care in the world. The abuse the players take does not mean they can not work the rest of their lives doing something. Finishing college and securing a second career would allow them to have a job where their physical ailments are not a factor. Millions of other people who do not play professional sports are able to support their families through their education and career choices.

Sorry about the rant.