Teh official Taltos "circle rep thread" #2

It's Dog Day! :)

Have a wonderful day!

I can't imagine how magical this would be

Wingsday in Decorah :wuv:

From Raptor Resource Project:

Look at the North nest! The 2022 nest addition - which hadn't been started when we did camera work in September - has got to be 10 to 12 inches high at least! We saw Mr. North and DNF begin bringing sticks to the nest on October 20. If the two added an average of four sticks every day since, they have added an incredible 288 sticks so far - and their pace should accelerate as the days begin to lengthen. We hope that Mr. North and DNF get a little time to themselves as fall migration ebbs and eagles settle into their wintering grounds.


Mr. North might kick back while DNF rousts intruders, but don’t try to steal his fish! Mr. North spends a lot of this video fleeing from and engaging with subadult eagles who are after his breakfish. We hear him throughout the video and one of the subadults at around 3:30 – you’ll hear the difference once it vocalizes! Look into the distance at 4:43 and you’ll see an adult and sub-adult eagle rise up and engage across the field, as a third, darker eagle takes off north. You’ll see some lovely close-ups at 6:27, a cool look at Mr. North from above around 7:50, and three eagles soaring high at 9:34.

December 20, 2021: Mr. North warily watches for sub-adult fish stealers. Can't an eagle eat in peace?

Have a wonderful day!

I can't imagine how magical this would be

Alaska theyre seagulls /pigeons the most amazing thing I've ever seen ....well except the whales....
Hope everyone is having a fantastic week... still way to busy but having a great time. Daughter and family arrive tomorrow and I finish my last patient at 3 tomorrow. What a whirl win this year has been but in a great way.

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