Teh official Taltos "circle rep thread" #2

Back to Santorini for breakfast :)

Rode 4.5 miles on bikes today. Olivia was in the trailer I was pulling. It was more to get Elizabeth riding in a bigger area as I plan to ride bikes home from school as weather and my work schedule permits.
Freestyle Friday in Decorah :wuv:

April 24, 2024: DN17: Warble, PS, & a Walk-a-thon clear across the nest. Look out below!
The eaglets have moved from hitting the cribrails and ladder branch to shooting poop straight
out of the nest. After relieving itself, DN17 goes on a walk-a-thon across the nest, moving slowly
but well as it negotiates the nest on its clown clompers. Look for emerging plushy-tushy tailfeathers
at the end of the video.

April 24, 2024: Synchronized looking. DN17 and DN18 see something outside the nest. What
has their attention? We don't know, but I love to see them beginning to look around at the
larger world.

Listen in the background and you'll hear the sounds that make up the eagles' world right now:
Red-winged Blackbirds, Northern Cardinals, American Robins, Canada Geese, Mourning
Doves, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and woodpeckers drumming. Their sensory world is rich
with new sights and sounds

April 23, 2024: Ultra-close-ups, clown clompers . The camera operator zooms in for a close look
at yellow clown clompers, dark talons, and emerging feathers as the eaglets sprawl in the nest,
perhaps snoozing away their latest meal. Listen for a song sparrow in the background.


This just in from Raptor Resource Project:

As North nest watchers probably know, DN18 swallowed fishing line that appears to have come in with a sucker fish that DNF brought to the nest on April 24. We’ve been monitoring it closely to see if it could clear the line by pulling it out or casting a pellet. The eaglet is eating and behaving normally, but it hasn’t yet managed to remove the line.

Eagles eat a lot of indigestible stuff, including sharp bones, and we were hoping DN18 would clear the line and any possible tackle on its own. Since it hasn't, we're considering our options, which include seeing if we can get a lift to the nest or going up the tree via rope or spikes. Whatever we do has to be quick and safe since we don’t want to accidentally injure DN17 in the process: one of the reasons we’ve stuck to monitoring so far. Weather is also a factor, since DNF and Mr. North will not approach the nest while anyone is in it or for some time afterwards. The eaglets are old enough to thermoregulate, but not to withstand cold, slashing rain. We've got a lot to consider and we're trying to make the best decision for everyone in the North eagle family. We don’t take that decision lightly.

We’ll keep everyone posted.
Here’s the link to the Decorah North live cam. I just watched both little ones during a feeding and DN18 seems to be doing well 🤞

