Girls On Tinder

This on Tinder? Nay all day long.
Honestly, what's the appeal?

This entire thread is highly amusing, don't you think?

I've been married since before all this stuff was dreamed up, so have no personal experience, but I do find it amazing.

I'm not sure if there was ever a time in my life when I would've thought " She looks pretty good in this pic and seems funny what else is there to know?"

Back in my single days I ran across one too many females who quickly revealed themselves to have major issues to think that these girls
have boiled down the whole men/women thing into just the essential elements without any consequence or complications.

If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is.
Many of the ones that seem to good to be true are because they are actually selling. Whether that is an onlyfans site, an amazing investment opportunity, or other "services."

Hell, apps like that are overrun with bots too...

There are most definitely bots on most's pretty easy to vet them out though. There are many crazies there too. It's rare, but, there are actually a few good ones there...