How is everyone doing during this lockdown?


The Future
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Gillette Stadium Basement
My work is essential but my office is closed since we are on the cusp of being needed. I am working from home when needed but I have so many files in my office I can't access - stuff from when it was founded in 1950 on that are not scanned.

So I am basically laid off, not doing much work - maybe 10 hours a week if that for the next month. Sucks to be this bored and being off I don't want to invest money into lumber to make some projects I really do not need but want to build.

catch 22.

Kids are bored so I got the scooter running and when the weather turns they can at the least go for a cruise around town.

Took up tv, not a big fan but the real housewives of atlanta or the Shahs of whatever is a train wreck worth ignoring - so glad I found teh clicker.

any suggestions on how to occupy my mind?

what are all of you doing to stay busy?
Netflix , Hulu & Disney + . Works for me . People staying at home will soon get serious reward. Compared to people who have to work.
Working from home. Binging tv shows in the evenings cooking good meals. We go out for walks when weather permits and hanging out with the dog
I'm working from home, job is safe, trying to keep my mother healthy.

My wife's agency is open, the core group of 4 people go into the office, see an occasional client in office using all the appropriate distancing rules and wiping down touch points after they leave. Much of her business has switched to video counseling and zoom groups. However, referrals from the courts have dried up, revenues are way down, she has given up her own paycheck the past 3 weeks so others in the office can get paid. She is trying for the Paycheck Protection Program, but applications don't begin until 4/3. If that does not come through, she is probably looking at closing the doors soon with no clear plan on reopening if/when this ends.

At home, we're watching way too much TV and just generally getting stir crazy. If it was warmer, we could at least sit in the backyard and talk to our neghbors from a safe distance.
Things haven't changed much for me. I still go into the office every day but we only have two, maybe three people working in the office on any given day. We do the whole social distancing thing with our technicians and ask customers to do the same thing when our guys are at their house.

My wife is a little bit different story. She had just taken a job with the schools about three months ago. It was her dream job and then this happened. She's been sitting at home without much that she can be doing so she just makes sure that our youngest son stays on task with his online schooling. Our oldest son is a Senior so this has completely screwed him. He's taking it all in stride. Doesn't seem too concerned about missing out on prom or graduation even though the school still insists that they're going to try to do something at a later date.

We definitely don't leave the house as much as we used to. When I get home from work I go out and get my regular exercise in. We try to mainly eat at home but try to support our local businesses as much as we can too. They almost all still offer carry out. A couple have already had to close their doors though.
Between far to many Dr. appointments. I fell and shatter my ankle in January. Plus an assortments of other heath issues I find I am just trying not to catch this virus. I some how don't expect I would be one to recover from it.
Been out of work for roughly two weeks and waiting for this to die down to get back to work. 1200 isn't gonna be enough.
My work is essential but my office is closed since we are on the cusp of being needed. I am working from home when needed but I have so many files in my office I can't access - stuff from when it was founded in 1950 on that are not scanned.

So I am basically laid off, not doing much work - maybe 10 hours a week if that for the next month. Sucks to be this bored and being off I don't want to invest money into lumber to make some projects I really do not need but want to build.

catch 22.

Kids are bored so I got the scooter running and when the weather turns they can at the least go for a cruise around town.

Took up tv, not a big fan but the real housewives of atlanta or the Shahs of whatever is a train wreck worth ignoring - so glad I found teh clicker.

any suggestions on how to occupy my mind?

what are all of you doing to stay busy?

I've been keeping the same work schedule. Going into the office as normal although most of our people are working from home. Haven't been able to do much else due to an injury that seems to be getting better.

It's going to be tough when the weather starts getting better because all the golf courses are closed. I do feel bad for all the women who have to social distance from me. :cool:
spring cleaning, cleaning my tool rooms freshening up the bedrooms with new caulk and paint. In the next couple of weeks will be able to get the exterior windows and siding cleaned. The wife unit is beginning a greenhouse and starting seeds.
I'm working but at a 40% level to what I'm used to. We're using extreme measures to stay healthy when seeing the public. Gloves, masks, sanitizers- both spray and wipe on plus gel - distancing, etc.

I've been reading a lot about the virus online regarding utd epidemiological studies done by IMHE, CDC, Harvard and the Univ. of Washington. The U of W got a head start on COVID-19 profiling bc of their husband and wife cases back in January. Their studies of transmission time, generation time, infection rate, contagion rate, morbidity, mortality, asymptomatic carriers etc. has created what most of the states (and now the world) are following as social distancing protocol. It's also what the nation's hospitals are basing their projections of case loads, equipment needed, etc.

The latest I read earlier today says that in Washington state, April 17 is expected to be the peak virus activity. But remember that Washington began practicing social distancing 3-4 weeks before the rest of the US. Some of their models show the virus waning with warm weather but making a resurgence in the fall. We'll see soon enough.

Models also show that extreme lock down - like China did with the viral epicenter - can control the epidemic in as little as 2 weeks. The problem is the people who walked off the epicenter carrying the virus around the globe unknowingly. Being contagious for a week while feeling just fine thank you puts everyone contacted during that week at risk.

I also learned that with this virus, washing your hands with plain soap and water is more effective than hand sanitizers although if you can't wash...sanitize.

Here's a recipe for making your own sanitizer. Actually 2 recipes taken from the Univ of Washington research paper (preprinted).

The Quick Gel Recipe

Mix 3 parts isopropyl alcohol to 1 part aloe vera gel. Add a few drops of tea tree or any essential oil to give it a pleasant scent. This one works but leaves your hands a bit dry & sticky but it's quick and convenient. Use a moisturizer after using this one.

The Better Recipe is this spray. Your local drugstore is not likely to be sold out...yet.

Load the solution into spray bottles—this isn't a gel, it's a spray. You can leave out the glycerin/glycerol but moisturize your hands after using. You can spray any surface to sanitize quickly and easily. You can also wet a paper towel and use that as a wipe or save an emptied wipes dispenser, load with paper towels then you can saturate with this solution and voila!

Be distant, sanitize & Stay safe!
Distance teaching. Struggled at first. Been two weeks so finally finding what works. Kids have no desire to do anything. Also, kicking my 16 year old's ass to get his school work done. My wife has been working from home for over a month now. Her boss had the foresight to shut the place down and get everyone laptops to be able to work remotely.

Watching so much Netflix at night. Playing poker online with the people I normally play with (Venmo and PayPal are seeing an uptick right now I'm guessing). And sleeping so much more than usual.

Please be safe everyone.
Working from home. Our company started mandatory work form home very early. Luckily I'm in digital marketing so I can do everything from a good laptop.

Getting tired of being home and missing people interactions though. With Brady leaving, I've not even been that interested in coming here, although that will pick up again for me with the draft coming.

I have probably 6 zoom meetings a day. I like to change my background for these. Today I started 30 ballparks in 30 days, the virtual way, so I'll change my background to a different park every day. I might skip Yankme Stadium though. I wouldn't be caught quarantined in there.