So I'm really not sure where to go from here.

Tell you what, and I never thought I'd be saying this, but:

I haven't yet told Mrs. Flagg, but I'm thinking over the cost/benefits of my Little Wanderers playing. I've always said I wouldn't trade my time playing football - what I learned and how I grew - for anything, but at the same time, the Brain Store seems to be fresh out of spares.

Coming out of eighth grade our middle son was already 6 foot one and 200 pounds (ended up 6'3"/240). He was playing travel hockey, middle school and travel lacrosse as well as middle school/Catholic League football. We told him he could only play two in high school. Despite heavy pressure from the football staff, we were very happily surprised when he chose to play hockey and lacrosse and give up four years of playing offensive and defensive tackle. That was back in 2013. He has no regrets.

Lacrosse. Simply the best when you really understand the game and all of its nuances.
Coming out of eighth grade our middle son was already 6 foot one and 200 pounds (ended up 6'3"/240). He was playing travel hockey, middle school and travel lacrosse as well as middle school/Catholic League football. We told him he could only play two in high school. Despite heavy pressure from the football staff, we were very happily surprised when he chose to play hockey and lacrosse and give up four years of playing offensive and defensive tackle. That was back in 2013. He has no regrets.

Lacrosse. Simply the best when you really understand the game and all of its nuances.
Yeah, I was a short stick defenseman, played a little bit of middie and, for a little over one unfortunate and terrifying period, was forced into service as a goalie. We had to play a sport every season at one of my schools, and my dad was a huge baseball fan, so naturally...lacrosse it was!:shrug-n:

It's a fun game I got to meet Paul & Gary Gait one time, and they signed my gloves. But at the end of the day, soccer, lacrosse, and hockey are all just variations of the same game. Basketball too, really. Football is beautiful and unique, and a team sport in a way that no other major sport is. That is, if you put a prime [HOF player X at a key position in their prime] on a typical HS team, and that team played a small college, the HS team has a good chance of winning in every sport except football. Pele in soccer, Jordan in basketball, Gretzky in Hockey, Pedro in baseball...I guess a Gait brother or whoeverthehell in lacrosse. That one guy will lift the HS team at least into contention with the college team. Not football, though. No way.
Coming out of eighth grade our middle son was already 6 foot one and 200 pounds (ended up 6'3"/240). He was playing travel hockey, middle school and travel lacrosse as well as middle school/Catholic League football. We told him he could only play two in high school. Despite heavy pressure from the football staff, we were very happily surprised when he chose to play hockey and lacrosse and give up four years of playing offensive and defensive tackle. That was back in 2013. He has no regrets.

Lacrosse. Simply the best when you really understand the game and all of its nuances.

Terrific article by Nora Princiotti for the Ringer. It's too long to copy/paste.

Coming out of eighth grade our middle son was already 6 foot one and 200 pounds (ended up 6'3"/240). He was playing travel hockey, middle school and travel lacrosse as well as middle school/Catholic League football. We told him he could only play two in high school. Despite heavy pressure from the football staff, we were very happily surprised when he chose to play hockey and lacrosse and give up four years of playing offensive and defensive tackle. That was back in 2013. He has no regrets.

Lacrosse. Simply the best when you really understand the game and all of its nuances.
Lacrosse was big in my town growing up ....

My granddaughter no 2 plays as well, but, she’s a soccer superstar lol. She is very good. Shes 10 the HS coach ask her to come to practices to teach her more ball handling skills, and plays exhibition games with the HS... She’ll be attending Mia Hamm‘s soccer camp in Ottis this summer and Mia will be there coaching that week. She’s in all her glory because the HS coach, nicknamed her mini Mia and all the girls call her that. She’s my mini me. We are so much alike we butt heads from time to time and she scares her mom, lol.

Terrific article by Nora Princiotti for the Ringer. It's too long to copy/paste.

You weren't kidding, hellaciously long. But a great read.
Did enjoy that article.

At the bottom was an ad for the Ringer's gambling site.
Terrific article by Nora Princiotti for the Ringer. It's too long to copy/paste.

if Roger is pinning the future of the NFL on these Gen Z dipshits who seemingly are solely interested in brands being "cause and socially responsible" on account of they are the "purpose generation" because "they operate in the manner of someone facing existential threats at all times."

both they and Roger should be taken out behind the Cher woodshed


the game is a meritocracy not a social faahkin' entertainment experiment :)