Gave up coffee


Jiminy Fucking Christmas...
Aug 24, 2006
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lala land
All right, today is my first day without coffee. I am now realizing that there really is such a thing as caffine dependency.

This sucks.
Why on Gods green Earth would anyone give up coffee:blink:
ween yourself off gentley
Why on Gods green Earth would anyone give up coffee:blink:

caffine causes elevated production of cortisol, and the roasting process gives off PAHs similar to what's found in creosote.

trying to see how much I can clean my diet up.
caffine causes elevated production of cortisol, and the roasting process gives off PAHs similar to what's found in creosote.

trying to see how much I can clean my diet up.
:spock: you young kids today w/ your annual colon washes & your caffeine deprivation therapies :huh: :shake:

makes me sick thinking about you :harumph: :coffee:
:spock: you young kids today w/ your annual colon washes & your caffeine deprivation therapies :huh: :shake:

makes me sick thinking about you :harumph: :coffee:

He better give up ANYTHING cooked on the grill too.

Dont be drinking dahk beeahs eithah
:spock: you young kids today w/ your annual colon washes & your caffeine deprivation therapies :huh: :shake:

makes me sick thinking about you :harumph: :coffee:

He should just do Coffee Enemas - kill two birds with one stone. :coffee:

The use of coffee in enemas for detoxification purposes is well known. It is a common herbalogical remedy that has been suggested by holistic and alternative medicine professionals for many years.

Enema and Colonic Supplies and kits

You will need to buy a re-usable enema kit. Enema products are available at most pharmacies. They are usually disposable (although they can be cleaned and reused for several months) and they are inexpensive.
  • Distilled water.
  • Organic coffee, any roasting level will do.
  • French Press pot.

Coffee Enema Recipe

  • Bring 8 cups of water to a boil.
  • Grind eight heaping spoonfuls of organic coffee. Put it in a french press pot. You can use a drip coffee maker, but be sure to use organic, non-bleached coffee filters.
  • Pour the water over the coffee grounds and let it steep then cool for one hour or more.
  • After this amount of time, the liquid should be about body temperature. If you stick your finger in the water it should be lukewarm or cool, but not hot.
  • Press the coffee grounds to the bottom, then pour the coffee liquid into the enema bag.
  • Never utilize flavored coffee, sweetened coffee, or coffee with milk (cafe au lait) for this purpose.

Directions and Coffee Enema Procedures

  • Make sure to use an at-home enema or colonic kit that includes a bag that is sturdy enough to accept lukewarm coffee.
  • Make sure that there are no grounds in the enema bag or enema hose; also ensure that the hose doesn't get a kink in it as this will result in the settling of the coffee oils.
  • Follow the directions that accompany the enema kit. Lie on your right side, inject and attempt to retain the coffee for 10-15 minutes.
  • I recommend lightly massaging your abdomen from left to right (up the left side, and then left to right just below the navel).
  • Additionally, I recommend changing positions while retaining the coffee. After a few minutes turn over onto your back, a few minutes later switch to your left side before evacuating your bowels.

Many people are concerned that the body will become addicted to the enema cleansing; that the frequent use of coffee enemas might encourage constipation. This fear is unfounded. The bowels will continue to function on their own after enemas are discontinued. In fact, the bowels should work quite well for a few days after the coffee enema - assuming that you are eating a healthy diet with adequate fiber intake. Therefore, the use of coffee enemas or coffee colonics more than once a week should not be necessary. If constipation is consistent for several weeks in a row and you continue to have cyclical constipation that is only relieved as a result of enemas, colonics, or suppositories, be sure to discuss your situation with a competent medical professional.
I'd rather die than give up coffee.

Probably because I WOULD die if I gave up coffee!
I wouldn't recommend totally giving up coffee. I drink two cups evey morning, but I have stopped drinking it after dinner.

I have recently found out that having caffine later in the day prevents you from having a deep sleep, you can sleep after drinking it but you will not have a deep restfull sleep. I always thought because I could sleep right after drinking coffee that it did not affect me.

I sleep like a baby now and I am fresher and have more energy during the day.
I can't imagine a morning without coffee, just thinking about it make mah head hurt..:coffee: