Jets lose- Jets lose- Jest lose

I am going to be sporting an erection for well over 4 hours and do NOT plan to seek medical attention.
its a 7 o clock homo, u gotta go to bed that early fag?
its a 7 o clock homo, u gotta go to bed that early fag?

Did you write that all by yourself? Well done, you. Now bugger off and do your homework.:thwak:

As Mr Claremonster pointed out, I am British. We live in what is known as a different timezone. You may not know this, but the world does not all work on Eastern Time. No, really!! Amazing, isn't it?
*Makes mental note to contact the NYC Public School System and ask about their "If it's 7 PM in New York, what time is it in other parts of the world" program...*

Add it to a list which includes "basic literacy 101" and "correct meaning of the word homosexual 101".
ANother master plan by BB so full of irony it is DELISH. Jets MUST win to keep their hopes alive and in doing so might make us division Champs OMG OMG too good!!
Attention Jets Fans

Please read this very important announcement, as it contains information on recent changes in how stuff works:

Background Information

  • It is the rotation of the Earth that causes day and night
  • The Earth rotates counterclockwise; thus a person standing on Earth sees the Sun rise in the East and set in the West. The Earth rotates toward the East and so, to the people on Earth, it looks like the Sun is moving towards the West. In fact, is the Earth that is moving. A good metaphor for this is the merry-go-round. When you’re riding on it and look out at the people standing on the ground, it looks as if they are moving, but in actual fact, you’re the one who is moving.
  • The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours and takes about one year (365 days) to revolve around the Sun.

Now, with the basics out of the way, let's move on to the next important piece of info... Please, gather in groups of two or three, and perform the following exercises:


For your demo: 2 large index cards - write EAST on one and WEST on the other in writing large enough for your audience to see

orange card with the word SUN on it

2 regular-sized index cards per pair of students

Follow-up activity requires a globe and a light source, toothpick and plasticine

You can tell students that this activity has been designed to help students and adults learn the about the difficult concepts of day and night, sunrise and sunset.

Ask for two student volunteers to help you demonstrate the activity. Student #1 is the Sun (this student can hold a large orange cloth or construction paper, or a sign that says SUN). Student #2 is the Earth. The Earth holds WEST card in right hand, EAST card in left hand. This is the correct orientation if you are facing south.

You can tape a sign on the front of the student to represent the city you’re in. On the student’s back, tape the name of a city whose time difference is about 12 hours from your city, but in the Northern Hemisphere. For example, Toronto on the front and Delhi, India on the back, or vice versa. At this point, don’t use a city from the Southern Hemisphere, as it tends to complicate issues.

Have Student #2 face the Sun and turn in slow motion counterclockwise because that's the direction that the Earth rotates, when seen from the northern hemisphere.

Optional: you can say this chant as the Earth turns:
Ickly, pickley, paxis
The Earth spins on its axis
Ishkey, pishkey, pight
It turns from day to night.

Note: the Sun student can also rotate: the Sun rotates in the same sense as the Earth, but in about 30 days.

Ask Student #2 (Earth) to call out when the Sun is setting, when it is night and when it's rising on that city (e.g., Toronto). The student will see the Sun set in the West; then she/he will be facing away from the Sun (it is night). When is it day and night for the opposite country/city (e.g., Delhi, India)?

If you want precision, stop the Earth student at 90° intervals and ask what time of day it is in the chosen city at each of these stops.

Students in pairs: Partner students up so that the whole class gets a chance at the activity. Let students know they will each get a chance being the Earth and Sun. N.B.: It is crucial that each student has an opportunity to be Earth because it is from the Earth's view, that this activity seems to work the best. If it is just viewed from observers in class, kids get confused about East and West, and it will look as though the Sun rises in British Columbia before Ontario. The card-holding child is in the centre of the Earth looking out into space.

Instructions to whole group:

Wave your hands in the air if you are a Sun. Clap your hands if you are Earth. OK. Sun stand still, Earth face Sun, ready and in slow motion Earth turn counterclockwise. Everyone freeze. Sun, ask Earth: "Approximately what time of day or night is it in this position?" Ready, Earth rotates another 90°. Freeze. "Approximately what time of the day or night is it, Earth?"

After everyone has had a turn, gather the group and ask them what they found surprising or puzzling during the time they were playing the role of the Earth.
The only thing better than the Jets losing is when Mangini's bad coaching and Saint Favre's interceptions are the cause of it.


(Again). :)
ANother master plan by BB so full of irony it is DELISH. Jets MUST win to keep their hopes alive and in doing so might make us division Champs OMG OMG too good!!

How about that equation from hell for Jets fans. If the Pats are winning big, do Jets fans root for their team knowing that they are giving the Pats their thousandth straight division title or do they root for the Fins just to spite the Pats? It must be tough for people with inferiority complexes like Jets fans...
Hold up! There's a Jets troll here? Seriously?ROFLROFL I wanna play!!!!!