So I got a new kittah

Appearently a momma had a litter somewhere in the crawl space above my townhouse. One of them, who is quite strong and independent, wandered away and fell into the area above my furnace unit. He landed on a 2 inch trim that is around the duct. He was there for three days before we figured out where exactly. Yesterday I bashed into the wall and freed him.

He is about 4 or 5 weeks old, half siamese and half tabby. He is a dark gray point. He's marked like a siamese except his legs have stripes that fade out to cream. It looks like he is wearing striped socks! And he has blue eyes.

His name is Navarre.

The proper term for his color pattern is "lynx point".
My other kittah, Rowan, isn't thrilled. But she picked me out 18 months ago. She ran away from her first home 4 times to be with me. I tried to explain that Navarre fell into a wall to be with us. We HAD to save him...and keep him.

She isn't buying it yet.:coffee:


Rowan, another great kitty name. I'm gonna ask you for kitty name suggestions if I ever get one. My kitty names have always been so lame. Like the time I named my kitty "kitty" lol

I'm sure Rowan will get used to Navarre.
Your damn pussy takes up half the night with us. Making noises at us until we pet it, constantly demanding attention... :shake: And last night I couldn't even get into bed 'cause your pussy was taking up MY side of the bed! I had to put my legs to the side of it for a half-hour until it finally moved off my spot.

Sounds good to me. I sure wouldn't be complaining if my wife's pussy was anything like that!
Joolz-what a cutie!! :heart:

My brother used to breed them. I had 2 of his for years. Loved them. Their dad was seriously mean. Navarre is rather active for such a young thing. He likes to wrestle already. His little teeth hurt!

They can be a bit "high strung". :D
The ones we had never were. They were almost doglike the way they were so protective and loyal & followed us around. The one was a real mom cat and when I was little any time I cried she would get really pissed at my mom. lol
I had a seal point Himalayan which was the best of both worlds (Siamese coloring, Persian disposition).
Still waiting for a new kitten to pick me out (trying to find one to adopt...not necessarily a Himi). I lost my precious Himi last July. :(
My brother had two Siamese cats and they were a lot of fun. He also had a Doberman and the cats tortured that dog relentlessly.
He would have the dog tied up outside in the yard, and the cats knew exactly how long that chain was. They would approach and lie down in the grass at a point where the dog would go nuts and come after them, and I swear the jaws were snapping inches away from the cats, before the chain stopped further progress. And the cat would just roll in the grass and enjoy the show.
Funny stuff that was.
One of them, who is quite strong and independent, wandered away and fell into the area above my furnace unit.

As soon as I read this, I thought it was a he.

Of all the various critters my wife has raised through the years, it always seems the young boys are the first to wander away from mommy, regardless of the species.

Oh and I have to ask, I presume Kittah pronounced the same as
Rowan, another great kitty name. I'm gonna ask you for kitty name suggestions if I ever get one. My kitty names have always been so lame. Like the time I named my kitty "kitty" lol

I'm sure Rowan will get used to Navarre.

If I ever get a male cat I plan to name him Leonidas.

For a female cat... hmm... maybe Athena or Aphrodite or something.
Can't believe it took that long for someone to say it.

... and constantly demands attention.

Don't they all? :dbanana:

Many years ago I knew this family that had the coolest cat I've ever seen. It was an orange shorthair American Bobtail. It had markings like Garfield, but had a stubby tail (about 1") and was absolutely massive for a housecat. Not fat at all, very muscular and athletic, but friggen huge! At least 15 lbs. No lie, his head was about the size of a softball. Very cool personality too. Very friendly and smart. Sadly, one member of this family died and they moved and had to get rid of the cat. They asked me if I wanted him but I couldn't have pets where I lived then. I'm still kicking myself for turning down that cat. :(
Sounds good to me. I sure wouldn't be complaining if my wife's pussy was anything like that!

Most of the time he ignores the pussy, and I have to be the one to give it attention.

That's it. Cold shower time.

Well, it's true. After all, it's her pussy, so she knows what it likes and how to pet it without making it angry. Although things are better now; when I first met her, I couldn't get near her pussy, but now I can pat if for a while and it's tolerated.
Well, it's true. After all, it's her pussy, so she knows what it likes and how to pet it without making it angry. Although things are better now; when I first met her, I couldn't get near her pussy, but now I can pat if for a while and it's tolerated.

Sometimes he can even kiss my pussy, just not all the time.
Enough about her pussy. MY pussy spent half the night grooming my head. I woke up with wet plastered hair. The little freak sat on my pillow and thought my head was a kitten or something.

Yes, there you have it. I said it. MY pussy licked ME in the middle of the night. :shake: