What is your addiction?

Speaking of butts, I was at the rink talking to a parent the other night. The real cold spell. Winds too. Just real sucky.

He does medical sales, and was commenting on the Drs and nurses going out for their fix in the elements.

Dr says "Yeah . I have to quit. I've tried everything."

My parent looks at him and says " Have you tried cancer?"

Dr goes blank face and walks away.
Patriots, pickles, pickling, cooking (with my wife) gardening good wine/beer/food, good sci-fi/fantasy.
Nah, they're too bizzy around here trying to outlaw "sugary drinks" to make it illegal to smoke in your own home - although they're working on making it illegal to smoke in your car.

Like yourself - I felt gypped that I didn't Oliver Sudden develop all new taste buds, start running marathons with my new lung power or anything else they promise when I quit smoking. But I do appreciate that my clothes and breath no longer smell rank. Mr. OBF still smokes, and what I once never noticed is now nasty since I don't anymore. Cigarettes are De Debbil. I wish I never started as even though I don't officially "smoke," that Nicotine Monkey is crazy-glued to my back.


LOL that's the height of fascism, you can't smoke inside a property you own or buy a sugary drink BY LAW.

My husband still smokes too. He confines it to his office upstairs though I never mandated that or even asked. One positive is the CLEANING...good lord all that staining is a PITA inside your car windows, on your shades/walls etc. I am no neatnik but dang, it's a huge difference. I don't know too many people who smoke even who allow it inside their house.
LOL that's the height of fascism, you can't smoke inside a property you own or buy a sugary drink BY LAW.

My husband still smokes too. He confines it to his office upstairs though I never mandated that or even asked. One positive is the CLEANING...good lord all that staining is a PITA inside your car windows, on your shades/walls etc. I am no neatnik but dang, it's a huge difference. I don't know too many people who smoke even who allow it inside their house.

My wife and I quit in 2009, we never smoked in our house or cars before we quit.
Wow that had to be tough. If you have an enclosed porch or sunroom or heated garage you could use in the Winter, or if you live in a temperate climate year round that's one thing, but if you strictly went outside? Wow.
Wow that had to be tough. If you have an enclosed porch or sunroom or heated garage you could use in the Winter, or if you live in a temperate climate year round that's one thing, but if you strictly went outside? Wow.

Strictly went outside onto the deck. It wasn't so bad.
I think it is from cheap equipment and media sensationalism. I have been vaping for 3 years, and it is as close as I can get to quitting smoking. I don't fool myself and think that it is a harmless habit, but I do believe that it is magnitudes less harmful than cigarettes, and it is certainly much less expensive.

I have never had any problem with any vaping equipment.

The vape shop close to me has been around for 7 years, and those guys are up on the technology involved! They have told me when a vape battery explodes it is usually because someone mods it who don't know what they are doing! They have also said failure to change coils can cause a metal shard to weld the battery terminal open and explode it!
I had my first heart attack at the age of 34. That was in '91. So, I'm hospitalized and a Doctor asks me if I smoke. I told him, not anymore, I quit. He asks me when. I asked him what time it was. I had been about 4 hours smoke-free at that point.

That was it for me. I've never taken as much as a drag of one since. For about six months after that I would have recurring dreams where I'd be smoking away and when I would wake up I'd be confused and think "Shit.....I really blew it. Well, no point in fighting it anymore. Might as well go out and buy a pack."

Then I'd realize that it was a total mindfvck from the cigarettes. They were trying to break me down and get back to controlling me any way they could by using psyops. That was creepy. In any case, fear of dying proved an excellent motivator.

I still like smoking an occasional fine cigar and every now and again I'll smoke a little weed. Cigarettes don't really bother me one way or the other other than the fact they are an evil, violent addiction and I feel sorry for people who are hooked. It ain't easy. They killed my Dad at 53, but they didn't get me.
I smoked for approx 40 years and I have to admit I really did love it. Just finally quit about 100 days ago. I quit using the patch method. Have to admit it was really easy. No nicotine withdrawals at all for me.
I smoked for approx 40 years and I have to admit I really did love it. Just finally quit about 100 days ago. I quit using the patch method. Have to admit it was really easy. No nicotine withdrawals at all for me.

Good work! Seriously. I quit smoking over 35 years ago (36 years this October) but I still dream about smoking at least once a month. In the dream I am smoking and think "I forgot I could just smoke one or two cigarettes" and not get hooked. Really incredible how often I have this dream. Anyway, I know how important it is to have positive reinforcement. Quitting is the hardest thing I have ever done.
Moved to boulder last June- I stopped cigs; switched to vapor too.

And of course may as well be addicted to all that good boulder flower/wax/hash /dabs. Terapin/the farm/14eener shout out.
Love the new new.
Moved to boulder last June- I stopped cigs; switched to vapor too.

And of course may as well be addicted to all that good boulder flower/wax/hash /dabs. Terapin/the farm/14eener shout out.
Love the new new.

I smoked weed every day for about 10 years between 18 and 28 and I don't have any idea what wax or dabs might be.

Moved to boulder last June- I stopped cigs; switched to vapor too.

And of course may as well be addicted to all that good boulder flower/wax/hash /dabs. Terapin/the farm/14eener shout out.
Love the new new.

Is this just the shop names for particular strains of marijuana?
Reading all these posts about cigarette addictions makes me glad I've never dealt with it. I've just never once intentionally inhaled any smoke from any source, tobacco, pot, etc. I've never had the desire or curiosity.

I think it stems from being a youngster in the 60's. The public was becoming more aware of the evils of smoking and the 2nd hand smoke impact. My parents were smokers, especially my dad. He would send me down to the local drug store to buy his packs (I was 7-8 years old). The pharmacists knew our family and didn't think twice of letting me buy them. Anyways, my parents made the decision one day to quit cold turkey for the sake of their 7 kids that were breathing in the smoke they were creating. We were actually the ones who asked them to stop. We were being inundated with the new commercials being produced to educate the public. It was easier for my mom. I recall my dad relying on chewing gum to get him through the cravings.

I guess their decision for the sake of me and my siblings stuck with me. Fortunately, neither myself, my wife or my kids smoke anything.
Reading all these posts about cigarette addictions makes me glad I've never dealt with it. I've just never once intentionally inhaled any smoke from any source, tobacco, pot, etc. I've never had the desire or curiosity.

I think it stems from being a youngster in the 60's. The public was becoming more aware of the evils of smoking and the 2nd hand smoke impact. My parents were smokers, especially my dad. He would send me down to the local drug store to buy his packs (I was 7-8 years old). The pharmacists knew our family and didn't think twice of letting me buy them. Anyways, my parents made the decision one day to quit cold turkey for the sake of their 7 kids that were breathing in the smoke they were creating. We were actually the ones who asked them to stop. We were being inundated with the new commercials being produced to educate the public. It was easier for my mom. I recall my dad relying on chewing gum to get him through the cravings.

I guess their decision for the sake of me and my siblings stuck with me. Fortunately, neither myself, my wife or my kids smoke anything.
yeah remember the Newport and Kools volkswagon bugs?

Mom was a social smoker, if she was with smokers she would have one or two (Saratogas) and then none for a period of time until next time.

My Dad smoked 5 packs (lucky Strikes) a day, my brother (Marlboro then Parliament) 4, and they quit butts the same day over a dollar bet. My brother craved them until the day he died, my dad never did.

My reason for not starting was watching my dad use SOS and bleach to clean the nicotine stains from his fingers, I mean scrub them. it grossed me out.
Reading all these posts about cigarette addictions makes me glad I've never dealt with it. I've just never once intentionally inhaled any smoke from any source, tobacco, pot, etc. I've never had the desire or curiosity.

I think it stems from being a youngster in the 60's. The public was becoming more aware of the evils of smoking and the 2nd hand smoke impact. My parents were smokers, especially my dad. He would send me down to the local drug store to buy his packs (I was 7-8 years old). The pharmacists knew our family and didn't think twice of letting me buy them. Anyways, my parents made the decision one day to quit cold turkey for the sake of their 7 kids that were breathing in the smoke they were creating. We were actually the ones who asked them to stop. We were being inundated with the new commercials being produced to educate the public. It was easier for my mom. I recall my dad relying on chewing gum to get him through the cravings.

I guess their decision for the sake of me and my siblings stuck with me. Fortunately, neither myself, my wife or my kids smoke anything.

That was good that they both stopped like that. And they were right.

I can remember riding in my Mother's car when I was a kid and she'd be smoking and I'd feel violently ill from the smoke. A couple of times I just flat out puked. "Car sick" was what she called it, but that never happened when she wasn't smoking.

Rainy days with the windows rolled up and intense nausea. God, I'm not sure I ever felt sicker in my life. It's amazing I ended up getting hooked on them after all that, but maybe there was some body chemical thing going on. The nicotine found a host organism.

Years later I was kidding my Mother and accused of her of smoking and drinking screwdrivers while she was pregnant with me. "We didn't know there was anything wrong with it then", she replied defensively.

"WHAT????!!!!......you mean you actually DID????" I was incredulous, but turns out it was true.
Reading all these posts about cigarette addictions makes me glad I've never dealt with it. I've just never once intentionally inhaled any smoke from any source, tobacco, pot, etc. I've never had the desire or curiosity.

I think it stems from being a youngster in the 60's. The public was becoming more aware of the evils of smoking and the 2nd hand smoke impact. My parents were smokers, especially my dad. He would send me down to the local drug store to buy his packs (I was 7-8 years old). The pharmacists knew our family and didn't think twice of letting me buy them. Anyways, my parents made the decision one day to quit cold turkey for the sake of their 7 kids that were breathing in the smoke they were creating. We were actually the ones who asked them to stop. We were being inundated with the new commercials being produced to educate the public. It was easier for my mom. I recall my dad relying on chewing gum to get him through the cravings.

I guess their decision for the sake of me and my siblings stuck with me. Fortunately, neither myself, my wife or my kids smoke anything.

My wife and my oldest (20 years old) smoke cigarettes. Oldest smokes weed. He's been in legal trouble because if it. Not sure if he's still smoking it.

They both stink. Awful.

Social smoker in college (bars only typically.) Hated how I smelled the next day. And my breath was awful.

Watched my father (aged 63) and step father (aged 60) die of lung cancer and my mom (aged 76) died from complications of surgery after it was revealed she had pulmonary fibrosis.

Why anyone in my family would smoke after watching all that happen is beyond me.