Wake up bitches…. Mikiemo83 has returned

If you like me… smooches

If you don’t….GFY with a barbed fishing hook


Are these 2 options mutually exclusive?

I mean I really like ya, smooches are good AND sex with a barbed fishing hook is not off the table.

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Glad to have you back, Mikie!

Hope you enjoyed your sabbatical while we were suffering through the worst 2 years of Patriots fandom in the last 25.
Can you believe some people think BB has lost it and want him fired?

Anyway, good to see ya and welcome back.

Welcome Home GIF
i have truly missed you my friend. i am no longer active on the book of faces or twitter so i have been out of your orbit. i am glad to hear about you from time to time from people on fb who are here. i hear you are well, happy and living a great life as you richly deserve. i am SO glad you are back! definitely the best news i've had in awhile. 🤗